Weather closings: Check KDKA or WPXI for Library closings, or check our Facebook and Web pages.
Contact Information
331 School Street
Springdale, PA 15144
Phone: 724-274-9729
Amazon Smile
When ordering from Amazon please support our library by placing your order with the link above! 0.5% of each purchase is donated to our library!
MakeMeSmile is a Chrome extension that automatically helps ensure that your Amazon purchase can be correctly attributed to our library!
Tuesday Night Book Club held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Join us to discuss the selection of the month. Stop and pick up your book before the next club meeting so you can join in the discussion. Call the library for more info at 724-274-9729.
Power Library
Family Search
We are a proud affiliate Library to Family Search!