Maker Monday – Grades 4 – 6, 2nd and 4th Monday 6:00 PM: Ms. Heidi leads this STEM activity (throughout the school year).
Story Time – 10:30-11:15 AM, Ages 0 to2 and 11:30- 12:15AM, Ages 3 to Pre-K, Every Tuesday. Stories, age appropriate crafts. A great way for children to make friends and learn socialization skills.
Geraldine Yanni Science Program: Grades 4 – 6 First Monday of the Month at 6:00 PM (throughout the school year).
Geraldine Yanni Science Club: Grades 4-6th Every 3rd Monday of the month at 6:00 PM (throughout the school year).
Look for dates and times for our Family Fun Nights & Wacky Wednesdays on our posts portion of our website.
Please call to Register. Masks are required for all participants 2+.